microbakery registration!
So much happening hooly-dooly! Spring is here though, bringing good cheer with the odd sunny *warmish* day on which I've gone on a bike ride, eaten a mandarin midway (they hit different this time of year) and felt on cloud nine. The blossoms are out (smelling like cum) and the bees, are, back! Feels like there is lots to feel good about at the moment - or rather 'looking on the bright side' is coming a little easier.
Speaking of, the ABC national radio interview I did all about non-dairy products last week can be listened to here (I start around the 1 hour mark, after the news). It was genuinely the first interview I've done which I bloody loved doing from start to finish! My handstands and energetic pre-game attempt helped so much - in that my anxiety got onside and I was able to be in the moment while I was speaking. I think I share some worthwhile nuggets - probably not new to you if you're reading this, but hopefully they were to someone listening!

Wish I had better photos to emphasise the exciting news ~ but I have a premise (!) & I've put in my application to register with the council !! Such a moment !!! Feels like so much work has gone into this moment for the result to be super anticlimactic haha (submitting a form online). Ah well, I'm celebrating by telling you.
This week I tested some of my bakes in the kitchen's big commercial oven, which took some getting used to. It's huge, distributes heat differently than I'm used to and has different settings than a home oven. I've mostly gotten the hang of it. The first cake I tested took 3 times as long, the second tests took less time.. it's a process. All the more reason to use my bake-ery *instincts* as I move forward.
But for some heartening feedback, I left some cinnamon buns at the kitchen for the other cook's morning tea & one of them has already requested some for their cafe when I get up & running. An end of week boost!
Registration could take up to two weeks, so I'm entering my go-with-the-flow era lol. Not much more to say other than, I'll keep you updated! And you should follow @biscuit_tin_bakery for behind the scenes!

Just some joyous pics of a birthday cake I made last weekend !

I finally sat down to read Laurie Colwin's Home Cooking this week & how effortless it was! Part memoir, part food diary, part cookbook - it chaptarizes recipes or concepts into passionate, humorous essays which read like somewhat gossipy, self-assured letters to a friend. It's a hoot! The writing reads light & breezy (probably my projection onto 70s America), of a time where gatherings were social currency & diet culture was yet to pervade the feminine psyche.
Even though I didn't agree with much of it (that's the charm), I appreciated it from cover to cover and will be eager to get my hands on the rest of Colwin's works. For me, it was as cup-filling as Nigel Slater's writing. I know! Big praise!

Green Chickpea Fattah is the order of the day! I've been making this religiously lately because of chickpea hoards I have coming out my fridge (only somewhat making a dent) and freezer (not making a dent) - because of the microbakery's aquafaba needs. My neighbour's parsley patch has been overflowing into our hands as well & this dish laps at them both. It's salty & comforting, while aslo fresh &... salad (?) like. Ok that might be a stretch, but it's gorgeous and well worth 20 minutes of your time.
Love and hugs,
Phoebe & Merlin x
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